Friday, March 30, 2012

Words In My Head

Sometimes I forget that everyone doesn’t always want to hear everything I have to say. I am a talker. I love to talk! lol I will talk about random stuff or debate serious issues. It doesn’t matter much to me. Either way, I’m talking.

For those of you who have never had the passion for words, let me put it in a more visual term for you. How many of you remember watching Sesame Street as a child? Remember when they would learn a new word or letter and they would have all these words floating around the screen over the puppets head? That is what my head looks like. I have words bouncing around my head all the time. I’m not sure if this is normal or not, but if it isn’t, please keep that to yourself. I like my oblivious bubble where I am unique and not weird at all, and I would really like to keep it that way. :)

Sometimes I feel like the words start to multiply. They start to stack on top of each other like they will boil over if I don’t open the flood gates soon. While I do practice self control, I’ll admit I have a tendency to "jabber". I am sadly known for my long emails and texts. I am not a fan of talking on the phone because I know my conversations will generally go on at length, and let’s face it, who has time for all of that? At least with an email or text I can walk away and come back to the same conversation if necessary.

Now while I don’t think I have reached the point of being obnoxious yet (Oh, please tell me that I haven’t!) I do think that I have a tendency to forget that, although I find myself very fascinating and interesting, not everyone else does. At least not all of the time.

I have not posted on this blog in over a year. I made one post and then I sort of got busy with life. That tends to happen to us if we’re not careful. I am hoping to be more proactive in my posts and get some of these thoughts "out there" and out of my head. I'm trying to spare the ears (ans in some cases, eyes) from having to put up with my embellishments of elaborating. I’m not sure if these will be read or not, and frankly, I don’t really much care. The point is, they are out of my head! I am a "type A" personality that thrives on organization and order. Having multiple words pile up and spill over in my head is not putting me in a "happy place". I need to organize my thoughts. I need to clean out the clutter. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still talk! I’ll never make it as a mute! I’m just hoping that this will help make me a more bearable friend and family member... hoping. ;)