Tuesday, October 26, 2010


All my life I have loved words. I love to say them, hear the, read them, or write them. I can remember reading the dictionary as a child just to learn new words that I had not heard before. I was the weird kid in school that loved essays and Shakespeare. My first recorded story was written in elementary school. I believe I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. It was about an imaginary pet snake. My mother still has it. 

Though I have always loved to write, I have always been afraid of what others will think or say about something that I am so passionate about. Over the years, I have started over thirty books. Of these thirty books, I have only finished one. It is a short story that I felt led to write for my sister on her birthday. It took me less than an hour and I don't remember writing it. My hands just flew over the keys. I still have it saved on my computer, tucked away for only a select few to see. Lee says it will make a great children's book one day. He can't wait to start designing the pictures for it. Like I said, it's "tucked away". ;)
You see, I am afraid that if I finish a book, my proud husband will try to publish it. That terrifies me. I know that fear is not of God and that if you are scared of something then it is all the more reason to do it... but that is easier said than done! The reason I have stared this blog is to help me cope with letting people read things I have written. Even if it is just my thoughts. Those are still very vulnerable. I am the type of person who has no secrets. I will tell you anything about my life no matter how embarrassing it is, but I am afraid for people to read my words. Hopefully I will get over this fear from writing in a blog. 

After many years and many books, I am feeling God 'shove me' out the door to finish my books and use my "talent" and my passion for His glory. So after putting around and stalling for the past year, God hit me over the head with another 2x4. He put me back in the path of an old friend who followed God's call by finishing and publishing his books. When God calls you to something, inevitability He always put flashing neon signs showing you the way to go right in front of your face. You just have to see them through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. I can feel my friend's prayers over us and I can feel God telling me it's time. So, here I go. I am halfway through the first book. I go though stages of being fired up and ready to go, then scared and hesitant. I seek God's encouragement daily to fulfil His plan. This, my friend, is the first step. So here I go!

Now, Angela, all you have to do is hit "publish". You can do it. Just breathe....